Even in Iceland, you will feel like home with D-Travel
Are you looking for an experienced partner to travel in Iceland?
We offer the following services:
Luxurious transport by Mercedes Sprinter and Volkswagen Transporter. Our buses include a Wifi connection and the ability to charge electronic devices. We also have a brand new 4×4 Mercedes Sprinter made for gravel road inside the country.
Driver and guide
We provide professional services by English speaking driver and the guides living in Iceland.
We will help you to prepare a detailed program of your trip.
Dohľad nad ochranou osobných údajov ( v zmysle § 44 zákona č. 18/2018 Z.z a NARIADENIA EURÓPSKEHO PARLAMENTU A RADY (EÚ) 2016/679 ) vykonáva v našej spoločnosti ZODPOVEDNÁ OSOBA : p. Dušan HARBIST , emailový kontakt dtravel.dusan@gmail.com na ktorú sa môže obrátiť každá dotknutá osoba, ktorej osobné údaje sú spracúvané v našej spoločnosti.SÚHLASÍM / I AGREE